Storm Water Management Program

The EPA and 1972 Clean Water Act under Phase II, requires Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) agencies to obtain storm water discharge permits (also called CDPS permits) from the State of Colorado. An MS4 storm water drainage system, comprised of streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, and storm drains, may be owned by a city, town, county, school district, college, university, metropolitan district, recreation district, water district, sanitation district, or other public body created by or under State law. Storm water discharge permits authorize storm water discharges to State waters from regulated storm sewer systems and require the permittee to implement public education and pollution control measures.

Foothills Park & Recreation District has a vested interest and responsibility to protect and enhance its land and water resources. District staff, residents, and park patrons can work as a team to provide stewardship for keeping flowing water clean as it flows across District property. Naturally flowing water and especially surges of storm water carry either dissolved pollutants or suspended solids and debris to a point where the water leaves the property boundary. If each property owner along the flow profile becomes a steward for maintaining water quality, the ultimate benefactor of clean down-stream water becomes the State of Colorado and you as a Colorado resident.

How can a District resident be pro-active to protect the quality of naturally flowing water and surges of storm water run-off? A resident homeowner can:

  • Recycle and properly dispose of household chemicals and automotive liquids such as antifreeze or used motor oil.
  • Follow instructions on the label for applying fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides.
  • Aerate your lawn.
  • Angle your roof gutters to discharge onto grass or towards landscaping.
  • Use pavers or bricks with holes through them to allow water to percolate through.
  • Create vegetated buffer strips to provide runoff control between paved surfaces and the street.
  • Pick up and properly dispose of pet waste in your yards.
  • Don’t over-apply snowmelt chemicals.
  • Shovel snow onto your grass.
  • Use silt fences around construction projects.
  • Re-vegetate disturbed bare dirt areas quickly.
  • Distribute sump pump discharge onto landscaping or grass to prevent erosion.
  • Cover excavated dirt piles to minimize silt generation.
  • Keep an eye out for illicit dumping of materials into storm drains or drainages, and report incidents if you do see them.

What is the District doing to be pro-active for protecting the quality of naturally flowing water and surges of storm water run off?

  • Collecting and recycling chemicals such as antifreeze and used motor oil from the park maintenance fleet.
  • Following manufacturer’s recommendations for applying fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
  • Maintaining a 100-ft no-fertilize zone around bodies of water in parks.
  • Promoting a pet waste “pickup and pitch-in” animal waste control program.
  • Sweeping parking lots and gutters to capture sand and sediment before the sediment can enter drainages.
  • Re-vegetating slopes quickly to prevent erosion and provide sediment control.
  • Removing debris from around stream channel trash racks to allow storm water to flow freely.
  • Periodically aerating turf in parks and ball fields.
  • Constructing “water quality” sedimentation ponds on larger construction sites.
  • Insuring that contractors install and maintain silt fences around construction areas according to Jefferson County standards.
  • Re-vegetating disturbed bare dirt areas quickly.
  • Covering excavated dirt piles to minimize silt generation.
  • Providing sufficient trash cans with removable liners in park areas and pick up trash often.
  • Utilizing Jefferson County and State Ordinances to prevent illicit dumping of material on park property.
  • Working with Urban Drainage to improve or repair water control structures located in drainages on District property.
  • Soliciting input and ideas from District residents and park patrons for minimizing water pollution sources.

Illicit dumping:
To report illicit dumping of materials into storm drains or onto District property please contact 303.409.2300.

Public input:
If you have comments or suggestions to improve handling of storm water and preventing water pollution within the District, please call 303.409.2300 – requests will be handled Monday – Friday between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.