Our administrative offices are located:
Peak Community & Wellness Center
6612 S. Ward St.,
Littleton, CO 80127,
About Foothills
About Foothills Park & Recreation District
Our Mission
Creating Community • Enhancing Health • Inspiring Play
Foothills Park & Recreation District (FHPRD) is a special district founded in 1959, not part of the City of Littleton or Jefferson County. It is a separate agency with its own taxing authority and no affiliation with any other government agency. Special districts are created by state law to serve specific community needs – recreation, fire protection, water, etc. Our specific focus is on parks and recreational facilities and activities only.
District residents receive a discount on fees, but our facilities, classes and events are open to the public including three recreation centers, one 2-sheet ice arena, four indoor and four outdoor swimming pools and two indoor sports facilities. Register online for activities, stop by any FHPRD facility or visit the Contact Us page for more details.
Foothills’ land inventory of 68 park sites total more than 2,400 acres including: four regional parks, 43 community and neighborhood parks, 21 greenbelts and two golf courses (totaling 54 holes). Additionally, Foothills manages six regional trail corridors totaling 14.9 miles for public use. There are also approximately 17.6 miles of internal park trails.
Areas of Responsibility
- FHPRD offers parks, trails, recreation facilities, golf courses and recreational programs such as youth and adult sports, fitness, swimming, golf, ice skating, arts, etc. FHPRD facilities and parks are available for rentals.
- FHPRD is NOT the agency in charge of or responsible for: roads or bridges, fire, police, HOA covenants or animal enforcement.
- FHPRD follows the laws set by Jefferson County and the State of Colorado.
With a few exceptions, Hampden Ave. on the north, Sheridan Blvd. on the east and C-470 on the south and west. Other areas FHPRD serves that fall just outside the complex street boundaries are Sixth Avenue West, Mesa View Estates, Bear Creek subdivision and Lochwood subdivision. All areas served by FHPRD are within Unincorporated Jefferson County.
Leadership & Employment
FHPRD is managed by an executive director and governed by a five-member elected Board of Directors. Directors represent five wards within the District and serve four-year terms with elections held every two years in May. We employ full-time, part-time and seasonal positions, and utilize help from volunteers and interns.
Approximately 25% of FHPRD’s operating budget comes from property taxes. 75% comes from program fees, facility/usage fees, other revenues and grants. FHPRD also receives funding for special projects from The Foothills Foundation, the 501c3 organization that puts on the annual Summerset Festival each September in Clement Park.
Residency Status
FHPRD is a special district established by Colorado statute. The District encompasses about 24.2 square miles within Unincorporated Jefferson County and serves a population of approximately 93,000 residents (tax-payers). You are a Foothills District resident if you:
- Pay taxes to FHPRD
- Reside in a dwelling within FHPRD boundaries
- Own commercial or residential property within FHPRD boundaries
- Proof will be determined by your current Jefferson County tax statement, a valid driver’s license, or mail addressed to you from utility or phone companies.
- View our Resident Information for more details.
Foothills has made intergovernmental agreements with the governing bodies of the following special districts and communities for those entity’s residents:

Resident Information
Topics include: Residency Status, I.D. Cards, Voter Information
Voter Information
Read more about Voter Information on our Election webpage.
Residency Status
Foothills Park & Recreation District (FHPRD) is a special district established by Colorado statute. The District encompasses about 24.2 square miles within Unincorporated Jefferson County and serves a population of approximately 93,000 residents (tax-payers). You are a Foothills District resident if you:
- Pay taxes to FHPRD.
- Reside in a dwelling within FHPRD boundaries.
- Own commercial or residential property within FHPRD boundaries.
- Proof will be determined by your current Jefferson County tax statement, a valid driver’s license, or mail addressed to you from utility or phone companies.
- To check if your real or personal property is taxed by Foothills Park & Recreation District, visit http://jeffco.us/assessor/.
District residents receive a discount on fees. All Foothills Park & Recreation District facilities and parks are open to the public regardless of residency.
How do I get a Foothills I.D. card? What are the benefits?
To obtain either of these cards and show proof of District residency, visit the designated facility of your choosing and provide your valid driver’s license or mail addressed to you from a utility or phone company.
Golf I.D. Cards are honored and can be obtained at Meadows Golf Club or Foothills Golf Course. Presenting your Golf I.D. Card at check-in will provide District residents a reduced price on rounds of golf. View course locations.
Recreation I.D. Cards can be obtained at Lilley Gulch Recreation Center, Ridge Recreation Center or Peak Community & Wellness Center. View facility addresses and hours of operation
All Foothills Recreation Facilities honor the Foothills Recreation I.D. Card. View locations and amenities of our Recreation Centers, Pools, Sports Facilities and Ice Arena.
- A Foothills Recreation I.D. Card:
- Provides District residents reduced pricing on daily admission.
- Is issued to ANY patron who purchases any Pass or Multi-Visit Card regardless of residency.
- Is issued to ANY patron who participates in the nationwide insurance-based exercise programs that Foothills accepts. Check eligibility and enroll at the Peak Community & Wellness Center.
- Is a convenience to patrons and allows for quick check-in at our facilities.
- There is no charge for I.D. cards.
- I.D. Cards are provided to youth age 9 and older.
- Cards are valid for one year. Verification of residency is required to renew.
- Users are required to show their Foothills Recreation I.D. card at each visit to receive reduced prices on admission.
Pricing for all Registration Classes is based on residency and is recognized upon creating an account in our online registration system.
If you are a resident of the following areas, you may be eligible for Foothills District pricing through an Intergovernmental Agreement. Read specifics of these agreements by visiting the webpage of your residency: Bowles Metro District, Normandy Estates, Plains Metropolitan District, Roxborough Village Metro District, TrailMark Subdivision and Vintage Reserve HOA.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click the plus symbol next to each question for the answer.
Do I receive a discount if I live in Jefferson County (CO) but not in Foothills Park & Recreation District's boundaries?
FHPRD is a separate agency. Only FHPRD residents are eligible for resident discounts. The exception to this rule is Jefferson County Residents receive a discount for shelter rentals in Clement Park.
Is a membership required to use Foothills facilities and services?
No, we do not require memberships of any kind. Foothills is open to the public. However, we do offer frequent use passes and discounted cards that stretch your dollars even further toward daily admission for drop-in fitness classes, cardio/weight room, swimming, gymnasium, racquetball, indoor track, etc.
And, residents of Foothills Park & Recreation District, defined as a tax payer who resides or owns property in the Foothills Park & Recreation District boundaries, receive reduced prices in our facilities on recreation classes, golf fees, daily admission fees, etc.
If you believe you are a Foothills District Resident and are experiencing problems with our systems recognizing your residency status, please call us at 303-409-2100.
I’m a Foothills resident. What do I need to do to receive pricing discounts?
- Class Registration: When using our online registration system, entering your address will automatically determine your residency status. A District Resident will receive the reduced prices listed for classes. You can register for classes at ifoothills.org/go/.
- Daily Admission: Users are required to show their Foothills Recreation I.D. card at each visit to receive reduced admission. A Recreation I.D. Card may be obtained at Lilley Gulch Recreation Center, Ridge Recreation Center or Peak Community & Wellness Center.
- Golf Admission: A Golf I.D. Card may be obtained at Meadows Golf Club or Foothills Golf Course.
Read more about Golf and Recreation I.D. Cards
Additionally, Foothills offers frequent use passes and discounted cards that stretch your dollars even further toward daily admission for drop-in fitness classes, cardio/weight room, swimming, gymnasium, racquetball, indoor track, etc.
Foothills accepts some nationwide insurance-based exercise programs. Check eligibility and enroll at the Peak Community & Wellness Center.
How do I get a Foothills I.D. Card?
Are FHPRD facilities open to the public?
Yes. Anyone can participate in any activity, regardless of residency status. FHPRD is a public agency and there are no membership fees. However, because about 30% of FHPRD’s revenues come from property taxes, district residents receive a discount on most fees and activities. There are annual, seasonal or multi-visit pass options – another way for frequent users to make facility usage more affordable.
Does FHPRD offer a Therapeutic/Adaptive Recreation Program?
Foothills Park & Recreation District strives toward providing inclusive programs to all community members. People of all abilities are invited to consider registering for any recreational program Foothills has to offer provided they meet the minimum eligibility requirements.
Accommodation Request: To request an accommodation please allow 10 business days prior to the start of the class/activity. Please contact the Programmer/Supervisor of the selected activity. Our Accessibility webpage addresses equal opportunity, diversity and ADA compliance.
Why can't FHPRD just "expand" or add in neighborhoods and municipalities that aren't currently part of FHPRD?
FHPRD is a separate agency with its own taxing authority. The inclusion process requires a majority vote of an area wishing to include into FHPRD. If that area is already part of another special district that is providing park and recreation services, it would require an exclusion process from that district.
Do my taxes fund 100% of the operations at FHPRD?
No. In 2017, approximately 75% of Foothills’ operational revenue comes from non-property tax sources such as User Fees, Admission Fees, Rentals, Conservation Trust Funds (Lottery) and Specific Ownership Tax (a portion of license plates). This means approximately 25% of operational revenue comes from property taxes. Foothills District resident’s property taxes primarily support a portion of park operations and our outdoor pools while other District facilities including the recreation centers, ice arena and golf courses generate a net revenue to help offset costs elsewhere in the District.
Parks and their amenities cost money to maintain and many do not generate much revenue. Some park amenities are several decades old and are in need of renovation and replacement.
Doesn't FHPRD receive operational funding / taxes from Colorado Lottery, Jefferson County, City of Littleton, the State of Colorado and other sources?
We receive several questions regarding who and where we receive funding. Below, we’ve address some of the most common questions.
No. We are not a branch of any of these or any other entity. We are a separate entity with our own taxing authority. All tax revenue and other funds we collect go to serve your parks and recreation needs.
No. The only taxes we collect are property taxes from residential and commercial properties (makes up about 25% of our revenues) and a small portion of ownership taxes from Jefferson County license plate purchases/renewals.
Yes, but the amount is only about $460,000 per year which is less than 2% of the District’s overall budget. Half of the proceeds from Colorado Lottery are distributed to organizations state-wide. The type of entity (county vs. city vs. special district, etc.) determines how much funding is received. Because we are a Special District, we receive less funding than most.
From time to time, we receive grant funding from GOCO, however it is a grant process that 1.) requires matching dollars; 2.) is a highly competitive process that is not guaranteed; and 3.) their focus is typically on larger, special projects distributed throughout the state. This is not an annual assured funding course for the District. GOCO invests a portion of Colorado Lottery proceeds to help preserve and enhance the state’s parks, trails, wildlife, rivers and open spaces. Their independent board awards competitive grants to local governments and land trusts.
No, those taxes go toward schools and local sales tax. As stated above, we do not receive any local sales tax.
No, those taxes go toward financial aid and classroom instruction at Colorado community, junior, and district colleges, impacts of gaming payments to Gilpin and Teller Counties and impacts of gaming payments to the towns of Central City, Black Hawk and Cripple Creek.
Yes, property taxes on a home’s market value. Most residents of the District are paying 7.191 mills. If the election is successful, the mill levy will increase by 2.75 mills. However, the general obligation bond debt from 2000 (which is 2.001 mills) is scheduled to retire in 2020.
Yes, they make up approximately 75% of the District’s revenues. To offset our budget and be more efficient, we have instituted changes that have led to an increase of 32.57% from 2007 – 2016 in admission fees. An average of 3.62% per year equaling an additional $2,776,536 annually.
Does FHPRD have the ability to increase my taxes in the future without a vote from the people?
No, because of the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, more commonly known as TABOR, Foothills can NEVER raise the mill levy rate without an election which must go to the voters of the District to decide.
Doesn't FHPRD receive sales tax?
No. The only taxes collected by FHPRD are property taxes from residential and commercial properties (makes up about 25% of our revenues) and a small portion of ownership taxes from Jefferson County license plate purchases/renewals.
What is the difference between a Mill Levy and a Bond?
Mill Levy dollars fund operations for things like maintenance, supplies, capital repairs, equipment, etc.
Bonds are used to fund major capital projects like renovating existing buildings/parks, new buildings, etc.