Emblem of Foothills Improvement Projects

Improvement Projects

Since 2018, the District has been working hard to put the 2017 mill levy proceeds to excellent use by improving existing parks and facilities. The improvement projects proposed to be accomplished, starting in the year 2018, were outlined as part of the 2017 mill levy election.

In 2021, without raising taxes, proceeds from the 2020 mill levy continuation will support the Vision 2030 Master Plan, which features improvements recommended as part of a public process throughout the District that will focus on:

  • Maintaining, conserving and improving parks, open spaces, and natural areas throughout the District;
  • Improving, connecting and extending recreational trails for walkers, hikers, and bikers;
  • Providing and improving existing active recreation opportunities, programs and facilities for all residents, including seniors, families and children;
  • Enhancing water conservation and energy efficiency by replacing or improving aging systems.

Have a question about a project? Visit our Contact Form.

6th Avenue West Outdoor Pool

Improvements Description: Constructed a new bathhouse with all new mechanical, filtration, plumbing and heating systems, new accessible parking and entry, new zero-depth wading pool with play features and water sprays, added floating features to the lap pool to improve water play opportunities when not being used for competitive or lap swimming, added a drop slide and flume slide to the existing diving pool, new concrete pool decks, new shade structures, seating and lawn area.

Community Outreach & Project Information:

  • An initial Conceptual Planning Survey was provided to the community and closed in late June 2021.  Community feedback was provided to the design team.  A second survey was sent to the community and closed in early September 2021.
  • Concept plans, updated plans and design rendering were provided to the community.

Project Completed: Fall 2023, Pool will open to the public on May 25, 2024

Park History: In 1974 Ridgewood Realty financed the construction of the parking lot, pool, and tennis courts. Foothills Park staff completed the landscaping and irrigation system the same year.

6th Avenue West Outdoor Pool site showing people playing in the water and on a water play structure.

Alper’s Farm Park

Improvements Description: New bluegrass field and irrigation system, new entry walkway, new concrete walkway through the park, new tree planting, new site amenities, yard game area with corn hole, new pedestrian light, new half-court basketball court.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held December 3, 2019.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: Fall 2021

History: Foothills acquired the land in 2004.  The first phase of the park was constructed based on the 2006 park master plan.

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Blue Heron Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, reconfigured and replaced playground, shelter improvements, planted new trees

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held Tuesday, April 10, 2018.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: July 2019

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1984, original park development took place in the mid 1980s.

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Chaucer Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, new picnic shelter, new site amenities, new cement paths, playground replacement, planted new trees

Community Outreach:

  • My Dream Playground Meeting was held May 8, 2018.
  • Meeting for park improvements was held January 23, 2019.
  • Revised schematic plans for park improvements were provided to the community for feedback.

Projects Completed: Playground was replaced in August 2018, the remaining was completed July 2020.

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1984.

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Christensen Meadows Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, tree plantings with 100 student volunteers from Deer Creek Middle School, replaced playground with airplane and runway to tie into site history, updated park entrance, trail/sidewalk improvements, new shelter next to the playground, new benches and tables, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held April 26, 2018.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: November 2019

History: Foothills acquired the park in the mid 1980’s, original park development was constructed by Wood Brothers Homes. This park was the site of the Columbine Airport from the late 1950s – 1972, historical article and image included in photos.

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Clement Park – Sport Court Complex

Improvements Description: Reconfigured sports court area to resurface one existing tennis court, add two new tennis courts and add 10 new pickleball courts – lighting was added to these 13 courts. Additional improvements include: replaced playground, replaced concrete around restrooms, replaced irrigation, new sod, improved drainage, added ADA access from parking lot, trees will be planted in fall 2022.

Project Completed: Summer 2022

History: The site now known as Clement Park was part of the Grant Family Ranch and was purchased from the Grant Family by Jefferson County Open Space for use as a park. In 1987, Jefferson County Open Space developed Clement Park with funds from the county-wide Open Space Tax. In 1989, the park was leased to Foothills Park & Recreation District for management purposes, and was deeded to Foothills in 2018.  As part of the Clement Park Redevelopment Master Plan, several other improvements were completed during a multi-year process from 2016-2019.

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Columbine Hills Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation

Project Completed: Summer 2022

History: Foothills acquired the land in 4 separate parcels beginning in 1962. Columbine Hills Park is one of the oldest Foothills parks.

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Columbine Sports Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation

Project Completed: Summer 2022

History: The athletic components of the site were developed in 1989-90 in part with a $47,000 gift from Columbine Sports.

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Columbine Trail

Improvements Description: Removed and replaced the asphalt trail with a concrete trail between W. Canyon Trail and S. Kendall Blvd.  This project was part of a large improvement project of the Columbine Trail in partnership with Foothills Park & Recreation District, Jefferson County and CDOT.

Project Completed May 2020

History: The trail originated in the early 1980s, Foothills took over management of sections of the trail in 2003 from Jefferson County Open Space.

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Columbine West Outdoor PoolPark

Improvements Description: Constructed a new bathhouse with all new mechanical, filtration, plumbing and heating systems, new accessible parking and entry, added a new zero-depth entry activity area onto the existing lap pool with a play feature, in-ground water sprays and other spray features, added floating features to improve water play opportunities in non-lap lane areas, added a drop slide and diving tower to the existing diving pool, new concrete pool decks, new shade structures and seating areas.

Community Outreach & Project Information:

  • An initial Conceptual Planning Survey was provided to the community and closed in late June 2021.  Community feedback was provided to the design team. A second survey was sent to the community and closed in early September 2021.
  • Concept plans, updated plans and design rendering were provided to the community.

Project Completed: Fall 2023, Pool will open to the public on May 25, 2024

Park History: This park was constructed in 1973-74 with funding assistance from Ridgewood Realty.

Columbine West Outdoor Pool site showing people playing in the water and on a water play structure.

Dakota Station Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, resurfaced tennis courts, new fencing/gates, new nets, replaced concrete walkways, planted new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held January 29, 2019.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: May 2020

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1979.

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Dewey Haberman Memorial Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, new tree plantings, new concrete walks within the park, new half basketball court, updated amenities, and a new play pit with spinner, swing and accent boulders.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held May 1, 2018.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: Fall 2019

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1977.

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Dutch Creek Regional Trail

Community Outreach:

  • Virtual meeting was held Tuesday, February 10, 2022.
  • Open House was held Wednesday, March 30, 2022.

Tentative Schedule:

  • Trail design completed in March 2023.
  • County permitting process and approval required before work can begin.  Permit obtained in 2024.
  • Construction bidding completed spring 2024.
  • Construction to begin in spring 2024 with completion end of the year.

Proposed Improvements: Extend the existing trail from just west of Kipling and connect it to the C-470 Trail.

Current Conditions: The existing section of the Dutch Creek Trail that Foothills Park & Recreation District manages runs largely to the south of W. Coal Mine Avenue from S. Pierce Street (to the east) and currently ends just west of Kipling. This improvement project will extend the existing trail from just west of Kipling and connect it to the C-470 Trail. This project will provide safer and more convenient connectivity for all trail users to other regional trails such as the C-470 Trail and the Mary Carter Greenway Trail.  This project will be completed with proceeds from the voter approved 2020 mill levy continuation, a $1.86 million grant from the Jefferson County Open Space Trails Partnership Program, and a $3,000 donation from the Foothills Foundation.

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Eagle Meadows Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, resurfaced tennis courts with pickleball lines and new fencing, replaced concrete walk through the park, new site amenities, new playground curb, planted new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held December 11, 2019.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: Fall 2021

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1985.

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Easton Regional Park

Proposed Improvements: New ballfield in the northwest section of the park and improving the core area between the ballfields including improved access, drainage improvements, seating and bleacher improvements, shade, new tree plantings.

Temporary User Impact: Some areas will be restricted during construction/installation.

Anticipated Completion: Winter 2024-2025

History: The original park site, Waters Edge, was dedicated to Foothills in the late 1980s. Jefferson County Open Space purchased the remainder of the site in 1992 and later it was developed by Foothills into Easton Regional Park.

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Foothills Golf Course – Clubhouse

Improvements Description: Constructed a new clubhouse featuring sweeping interior views of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, a larger proshop, expanded lounging areas, restaurant and terrace with an indoor-outdoor bar, new accessible entry, parking lot improvements and addition, indoor storage space for golf carts.

Community Outreach:

  • Virtual Community Meeting was held via Zoom on June 1, 2021.
  • Survey with concept plans was provided for community input. Feedback from survey was utilized for a revised concept plan.
  • Concept plans and design rendering were provided to the community.

Project Completed: April 2024

History: Foothills built the golf course in 1971.

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Overhead drone shot of the new Foothills Golf Course Clubhouse building and golf course property in background.

Foothills Sports Arena

Improvements Description: Indoor turf replacement.

Details: Current synthetic turf is original to the facility and has extended past its life expectancy of 10 years, replacing turf will keep the District competitive with similar offerings around the metro area and improve player conditions.

Project Completed: August 2018

History: Foothills opened this facility 2005.

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New artificial field replacement at Foothills Sports Arena

Governor Grant Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, planted new trees, new entrance area, new shelter next to the playground, added new climbing playground element, new concrete loop walk, new benches and tables, new culvert crossing that replaced the bridge, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held May 2, 2018.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: November 2019

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1983 and completed park development south of the creek in 1986.

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Hoida Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, improved entry walk, site improvements, sanolet enclosure, new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Concept Plans were provided to the community.

Project Completed: Spring 2024

History: The park was acquired in 1972.

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Kipling Trail

Improvements Description: Trail repairs and various section replacement.

Project Completed: January 2021

History: The Kipling Trail is 11.55 miles of easy paved trail running from US Highway 6, south to C-470. The Foothills section begins at Belleview and continues south to C-470.

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Lakehurst Park

Proposed Improvements: Replace irrigation, new tot lot playground, new concrete trail connection to Harriman Lake Park and tot lot playground, conversion of bluegrass to native in some parts of the park, and new trees.

Community Outreach: Will be updated on this webpage and announced on our Nextdoor.com account and our Events Calendar.

  • Virtual Community Meeting was held via Zoom on Wednesday, March 24, 2021.
  • During previous engagements with the community, the concrete apron that borders sections of Lakehurst Park has been a primary topic of discussion.  Due to some complicated ownership issues, Foothills is not able to remove or repair the existing concrete apron.  In summary, the concrete apron is partially on Foothills property and partially on the property of each residence that backs up to the park.  The portion of concrete apron on private property is not owned or managed by Foothills, but rather, is owned by over 50 private homeowners. While Foothills remains committed to engaging with the neighborhood about the future of the concrete apron, it is an issue that will likely take a longer amount of time to resolve.  With this in mind, Foothills plans to move forward with improvements to Lakehurst Park in 2024.
  • A community survey was provided April 1-15, 2022 to provide project background information and obtain community input.
  • An open house for Lakehurst Park Improvements was held June 1, 2022 to share survey results and seek input on concept plans developed from the results of the community survey.
  • A community survey was provided August 12-26, 2022 to obtain community selection on a final concept plan.

Temporary User Impact: Some areas will be restricted during construction/installation, specific dates TBA.

Anticipated Completion: TBA

History: Foothills acquired the park in sections from 1963-1966.

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Lakehurst West Park

Proposed Improvements: New playground and short walkway to playground.

Community Outreach: Will be updated on this webpage and announced on our Nextdoor.com account and our Events Calendar.

Anticipated Completion: TBA

History: This park was dedicated to Foothills in 1992 through Senate Bill 35 land dedication requirements.

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Lilley Gulch Park

Improvements Description: New fencing, gates, surface and nets for tennis courts.

Project Completed: May 2020

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1979.

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Lilley Gulch Recreation Center

Improvements Description: Install air conditioning and wood floors in basketball gymnasium, repave north parking lot, replace weight stacks and free weights in cardio/weight room.

Details: The basketball gymnasium was not originally designed to include air conditioning and the former tartan sports flooring was outdated and not desirable to patrons and potential renters.  Replacing cardio equipment keeps the facility updated with what is popular in the fitness industry.

Projects Completed:

  • Northeast Parking Lot (east of the gymnasium), completed May 2019
  • Basketball Gymnasium air conditioning system installation, completed April 2019
  • Replace cardio/weight room equipment, completed March 2019
  • Basketball Gymnasium flooring project, completed October 2018

History: Foothills opened this facility in 1982 with some portions of the building remodeled in 2004.

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Lilley Pad Park

Improvements Description: Replaced play structure and bench.

Project Completed: August 2020

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1973.

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Meadows Golf Club

Improvements Description: Repair parking lot.

Project Completed: Fall 2020

History: Foothills opened this facility in 1984.

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Mechanical & Electrical Upgrades (multiple locations)

Improvements Description: Replace and install equipment in a variety of facilities to enhance energy efficiency and improve aging mechanical systems.

Project Completed: TBD

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Ridge Recreation Center

Projects Completed:

  • Replace cardio/weight room equipment, completed September 2021
  • Replace play feature in leisure/activity pool, completed August 2019
  • New Splash Pad added to the outside sun deck located outside the Activity Pool providing an indoor/outdoor experience to the pool, completed May 2022

History: Foothills opened this facility in 2003.

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Schaefer Athletic Complex

Improvements Description: New design and layout of the batting cage site, including a new batting cage attendant building, benches, picnic tables and landscaping. New 3-speed adjustable pitching machines ranging from 40-70 MPH with choice of baseball, fast and slow-pitch softball, as well as height adjustment. Two ADA accessible cages. Improvements were also made to the parking lot including ADA parking and sidewalk.  Resurface Jason Jennings Adaptive Field with new, modern Mondo surface, and correct drainage issues.  Install two new playgrounds – one located near the ballfields entrance, the other located in the center of the multiuse fields that sit between the baseball fields and the Foothills Fieldhouse.

Projects Completed:

  • Install two new playgrounds, completed Summer 2021
  • Jason Jennings Adaptive Field replacement, completed Fall 2020
  • Batting Cage site project, completed June 2020

History: In 1972, the Federal Government dedicated 90 acres of Federal Correctional Institution land to Foothills.  50 acres were developed into the Schaefer Athletic Complex.  The other 40 acres were added to the Foothills Golf Course. Foothills acquired the batting cages from the original operator in 2005. The Jason Jennings Adaptive Field sits on the Schaefer Athletic Complex and was added to the site in 2005 as the first adaptive baseball field in the state of Colorado.

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Stony Creek Greenbelts

Improvements Description: The old asphalt trail was entirely replaced with a new 8 foot wide concrete trail.

Project Completed: January 2021

History: Foothills acquired the greenbelts in 1984.

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Trappers Glen Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, new shelter, new half court basketball, new site amenities, replaced entry sidewalk, updated crusher fine trail, planted new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held February 5, 2019.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: May 2020

History: Foothills acquired the land in 1985, park was developed in 1991.

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Valley View Park

Improvements Description: Irrigation improvements to bluegrass area, new picnic shelter, new playground, new site amenities, replaced concrete walk, planted new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held January 30, 2019.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: October 2020

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1979.

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Victory Park

Improvement Description: Replaced irrigation, replaced playground, new concrete walk, half basketball court, new site amenities, planted new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • My Dream Playground Meeting was held January 19, 2022.
  • Concept plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: 2022

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1982.

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West Laurel Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, shade added to playground, new trees, sanolet enclosure, site improvements.

Community Outreach:

  • Virtual Community Meeting was held via Zoom on January 24, 2022.
  • A community survey was provided April 1-15, 2022 to provide project background information and obtain community input.
  • Concept plans were provided to the community.

Project Completed: Spring 2024

History: A portion of this park was dedicated to Foothills in the early 1980s. A second parcel was leased to Foothills from Jefferson County Open Space about the same time. The park was originally called Columbine Knolls South Park.

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Westbury Greenbelt

Improvement Description: Replaced irrigation, trail repairs, planted new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Concept plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: 2022

History: The developer of the Foothills Green Subdivision built this greenbelt and dedicated it to Foothills in 1976.

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Westbury Park

Improvements Description: New playground installed in July 2023. Replaced irrigation, removed the old playground, replaced tables and grill at the shelter, added benches by the new playground, planted new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • A community survey was provided May 11-25, 2022 to provide project background information and obtain community input.
  • Virtual Community Meeting was held via Zoom on October 18, 2022.
  • Revised Concept Plans were provided to the community for feedback.
  • Community Survey for Playground April 3-17, 2023 to vote on playground concept.
  • Playground Concept Plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: Spring 2024

History: This park was originally developed and dedicated to Foothills in 1978 by the developer of the adjacent Foothill Green Subdivision.

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Westfield Park

Improvement Description: Replaced irrigation, replaced playground, added ADA access to playground, added stone seatwall, concrete plaza with new shelters, new site amenities, planted new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • My Dream Playground Meeting was held January 20, 2022.
  • Meeting was held February 16, 2021.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: 2022

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1972.

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Williamsburg I Park – Trail work

Improvement Description: Replaced existing trail with a new 6 foot wide concrete trail.

Project Completed: November 2020

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1984.

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Willow Creek Park

Improvements Description: Replaced irrigation, replaced playground equipment and surfacing, planted new trees, turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Park Site Concept Plans and Playground Concept Plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: Spring 2024

History: This park was dedicated to Foothills in 1985.

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Wingate South Park

Improvements description: Trail improvements, new playground installed for ages 2-5, planted new trees, shelter and landscape improvements.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held April 25, 2018.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: September 2019

History: Foothills acquired the park in 1985.

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Woodmar Square Park

Improvements description: Replaced irrigation, new shelter with grills, new site amenities, planted new trees, new playground curb, new perimeter walkway and ADA access around playground and shelter, new pedestrian crossing along W. Peakview Dr., turf conversion in some parts of the park to non-irrigated grasses for water conservation.

Community Outreach:

  • Meeting was held December 17, 2019.
  • Revised schematic plans were provided to the community for feedback.

Project Completed: Fall 2021

History: The park was dedicated to Foothills in 1977.

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